Jun 132018

After the success of Hard Liquor #1, RvB and I are pleased to announce the next roam is this coming Saturday, 16th June.  In case you missed #1 a week or so back, I’ll answer a few things:

  1. Yes, I’m back in game;
  2. Yes, I’m in RvB again;
  3. Yes, I’m Fleet Commanding again, and even better, RvB trusts me to do it;
  4. Yes, I try my best to get people killed while doing the above;
  5. Yes, I’m awful at naming things right now;
  6. No, you cannot bring your Drake.

Check out these videos from #1:


If that gets you all excited, then here are the details for Hard Liquor #2 and I hope to see you there!

When: Sat 16th June 19.30 UTC
Where: Ichoriya
What: Cruiser down*. Armour. Close range. > Logi > Tackle > Ewar
Comms: RvB Public Mumble
Address: public.rvbeve.com
Port: 43224
Pass: RvBLives
Name: [Corp Tag] + In game name
In game channel – RvB’s Hard Liquor / OOG – RvB Discord
FC: Pimpin Purple Daddy, Mangala Solaris

If this is too short notice, then we do roll fortnightly (at the moment), watch this blog, the RvB forums and the RvB Calendar for future dates along with details of any other events you may be interested in.