On the 7th & 8th June, RvB will be holding a tournament for its members, the RvB Spring Cup. A tournament with a prize poll of around 20 billion ISK.
The Spring Cup tournament will comprise of 5 man teams duking it out across a Double Elimination format with the following limitations and rules:
We will be using a points system as with the AT, SCL & NEO. This will make for more interesting matches as the points & rules do not allow you to just bring 5 mallers!!!
Teams are responsible for providing their own ships and fittings.
Teams have a maximum of 30 points to invest in the following ships:
Logistics Cruiser – 13
T1 Logistics Cruiser (Augoror, Exequror, Osprey, Scythe) – 10
T1 Cruiser – 7
Electronic Attack Frigate – 5
Pirate Frigate – 4
Faction Frigate – 4
Assault Frigate – 4
Interceptor – 3
Destroyer – 3
T1 Logistics Frigate (Bantam, Burst, Inquisitor, Navitas) – 4
Tech 1 Frigate – 2
Tech 1 Industrial Ships – 3
Ships not mentioned in this list are not allowed.
Tech 1 & 2 modules are allowed
Faction and officer modules are not allowed
Tech 1/2 Rigs are allowed
ECM target jammers are not allowed
ECM target jammer drones are not allowed
Only one local repair module per ship
Only a logistics cruiser or logistics frigate may use remote repair or capacitor transfer modules
All implants are allowed
All boosters (drugs) are allowed
Faction ammo is fine. Pirate ammo is frowned upon (and will be demanded as tribute to the AT team anyway if you use it).
Faction drones are fine. Augmented drones are frowned upon (and will be demanded as tribute to the AT team anyway if you use them).
NO smartbombs
Boosting via command ships or tech 3’s is not allowed
NO Deployables. Only I will have one out, and thats an MTU.
Teams will field a maximum of 5 pilots.
A MAXIMUM of 3 of the same ship types are allowed per setup. Example 3 x caracal 1x burst 1x random frig is fine; 4 caracal 1 x condor would be bad. This includes skinned ships.
Only one T2 logistics cruiser OR T1 logistics cruiser OR T1 logistics frigate per team.
The arena will be have a radius of 200km. Leaving this arena bubble will mean disqualification.
Teams will be allowed to warp to the arena before the match starts. However only at a range between 0km & 50km.
No podding – do so and your team will be disqualified.
No warping in the arena.
Matches to last 10 minutes. No more. (In the event of a tie, an extra 3 minutes sudden death combat will be added and the arena will reduce by 50km. First side to kill a ship wins the match).
If a team is more than 2 minutes late to a match, it automatically forfeits that match.
Team that goes into the Finals as the Victor of Match N, will be allowed to issue 1 ship ban per the final “Best of 3”.
The Spring Cup will be held on TQ over two days. Schedule of the matches is here.
Now, I would like this event to be streamed and commentated upon, again as you see with the AT, NEO & SCL. Currently we have some commentators lined up: Mizhir of the One Man Crew project, Connall Tara of Fly Reckless, RvB’s own Thecla Elark and Catalyst XI amongst them. Not all of these gents will be in a position to stream while commentating due to circumstances beyond their control. Connall is very much willing to be the host of the event, for instance constantly running on the RvB Ganked mumble with other commentators, feeding match commentary and between match chatter to a group of dedicated streamers, Mizhir and Thecla are both very technical individuals with a great depth of tournament experience who will give us that “real” feeling when it comes to the matches themselves.
As I say above I would love for this to be streamed, and this is were the EVE streaming community comes in, I am looking for streamers who want to provide visual of the matches across the day, streamers who know both what they are doing and how to present this tournament in the best way to the viewing public, and in as professional manner as possible. You would also be in a position to commentate on matches along side the people named above as well. Done right and this could really work in your favour as free publicity for your streams, as well as for RvB. I am even willing to provide a PLEX for your services as the tournament will take a lot of time to cover I am sure.
If you are interested, you can mail Mangala Solaris ingame, leave your thoughts in the comments to this blog or find me on the RvB Jabber from Wednesday onwards. I really am a stream novice, totally in awe of people who spend their time working that medium to its fullest, so anything you have to say on how to make this a reality will be appreciated. If you have Jabber issues, give @Khador_Vess a shout on twitter for assistance.
Additionally I am looking for interested parties to help with refereeing on the weekend, team managament between matches and so forth. I have some volunteers from within RvB, but more is always good for that too, as the event is quite long over the two days.